Pressed Parts

Benefits of Presses:

We have found that one of the biggest advantages of pressing and stamping parts is that you will often be able to complete the fabrication process more quickly. Whether you are looking to punch holes in aluminum trim or add ID stamping to a metal part, you will be able to do it within just a few minutes in most cases. The pressing and stamping process moves along very quickly and doesn’t require much patience on your part.

Additionally, this process is often the most affordable option when doing metal fabrication. The process is very efficient and doesn’t create much in terms of scrap metal, so your overall costs will be kept to a minimum when pressing/stamping parts, depending on your project’s volume. Regardless of how you need to manipulate the metal parts you have, there’s a good chance that using a punch press will be the best way to do it.

What are the Applications for CNC Lathe?

CNC lathe machine ensures the production of a finely finished product or can provide an intricate part. The kind of delicacy and good finish provided by the CNC Lathe machine to the product increased its demand in industries like electronics, aerospace, firearm manufacturing, automotive and sporting etc. The lathe machine is used to produce plane surfaces & screw threads. It is even used to create three-dimensional products that are complex to make

The applications used in industries are forming, contour turning, machining of cams, ultra-precision machining, and hard turning.

List of Some Products produced by using CNC lathe machines:

1) Bowls 2) Baseballs bats 3) Camshafts 4) Cue sticks 5) Crankshafts 6) Gun Barrels 7) Musical Instruments 8) Dining Room Table 9) Chair legs

What are the Applications for Presses?

Compacting Food and Other Consumables

Compressed food products are packed using hydraulic presses. Many popular meat and cheese products would not be possible without the use of a hydraulic press. Powdered make up and pills are often compressed using specialized hydraulic presses.

Making Appliances

Hydraulic presses are frequently used when manufacturing appliances. A hydraulic press might be used to create or assemble the electrical parts of a refrigerator, or stamp a panel. Microwaves, dishwashers, and laundry machines all require hydraulic presses for shaping panels and many of them require hydraulic presses for other uses as well.

Manufacturing Electrical Parts

A hydraulic press is often used in the manufacturing of electrical equipment used in major electrical installations. Housings and switches found in switching stations and elsewhere are assembled using a hydraulic press. The thermostats that help keep our houses, and businesses at the correct temperature are often manufactured using a pressing process.

Making Ceramics

Hydraulic presses are used to compress the particulate matter that makes up ceramics into their ceramic form. Ceramics see all sorts of uses; from potent magnets to most forms of industrial manufactured clay product ceramics help make the modern world possible. Ceramics are also used in body armor to keep soldiers and other people in dangerous situations safe. Some super high tech fields like semiconductors really entirely on ceramics.

Manufacturing Car Parts

Many of the parts of automobiles are shaped using hydraulic presses. From clutches, to gear and bearing assemblies, a hydraulic press helps make even the most vital car parts possible. Simpler products like windshield wiper blades are also manufactured using hydraulic presses. Hydraulic presses even see use in more precise manufacturing applications like fuel injection sensors. Hydraulic presses optimize many sorts of forming and stamping operations.

Building Aircraft

Similarly to with cars, the same or analogous parts of aircraft are built using hydraulic presses. In addition to things like windshield wiper blades and gear assemblies even the airplane body panels and wings are built using hydraulic presses.

Military Application

Hydraulic presses are used when loading shells and other ammunition related tasks. Hydraulic shop presses are often located aboard navy ships, or even outside the military in the merchant marines, in case emergency repairs are needed. Every single air force base probably has a hydraulic shop press located somewhere. There are numerous other military applications from making vehicle tires and tracks to fuel cell compression.

Other Applications

Hydraulic presses see use in pretty much every other large scale industry. Pulp and paper manufacturing, wind turbine manufacturing, wood products, and marine and offshore systems all rely on the power of hydraulic presses. Even a hydraulic press manufacturer like PressMaster is likely to use a hydraulic press to stamp a newly manufactured hydraulic press. Hydraulic presses are not limited to large scale industry. Many mechanics, and people in similar professions, have hydraulic shop presses. In pretty much every industry where manufacturing takes place there are c-frame presses or h-frame presses to be found.